Valentine’s Assortment

My Wife
By Hunter Cole

When I first met the girl who would become the woman
who would become my wife
she was laughing at something the
professor said in an American History Lecture.

I wondered how history could be so funny.
I soon discovered that she finds life delightful and amusing,
approaching it with lust and humor.

In addition to her laughter, I am enchanted by her
kindness to people, animals, objects, theories.
I awaken each day knowing I am blessed,
and go to sleep each night, giving thanks for the blessings.

Love Is

Colin Galbraith

For Fiona and Nolon
July 8th 2006

The diamond twinkle in a lover’s eye,
The knowing of hope and not of why,
The laughter, the tears, together on high,
The embrace of two hearts through fall or rise.

Love is a river, winding and deep,
Sparkling rapids and weirs to leap,
Love is the wind, the birds and trees,
Ocean to ocean, soaring and free.

Love is a mountain, the deepest hole,
A silent promise from heart to soul,
Love is a whisper of quiet devotion,
Two hearts beating in silent motion.

Love is forever – love is peace,
Love is united – love is…

Valentine Epiphany
By Luke Pierce

I realized,
one dateless Valentine’s Day
that I was happier
being with a group of
mixed friends celebrating
our friendship and shared experiences
that pretending love
in order to get laid.
Had I not made that discovery
I would not have met
my wife and have the loving
life we now share.

Best Day
By Lesley Sloane

We get to skip
The stress of Valentine’s Day
Because we share a true love
Celebrated every day.

Hunter Cole is enamoured of his life and his family in the Maine woods. Someday he’ll create a website in honor of his home state. He is a regular contributor to Circadian Poems.

Colin Galbraith is the author of several books of poetry. Fringe Fantastic: The Poet’s Experience of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, was his first paperback release and met with critical acclaim in December 2005. Brick by Brick was published in April 2005 as an e-book, as was Silly Poems for Wee People Vol.1 in March 2006. His latest chapbook, Poolside Poetry, is due for publication soon. Colin lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, with his wife and daughter.

He has a website at

Luke Pierce is learning to let go and enjoy life as a learning process.

Lesley Sloane celebrates life and love every day.


2 Responses to “Valentine’s Assortment”

  1. 1 Rosann Ferrier May 11, 2009 at 5:07 am

    A really nice assortment of poems,all different.I liked Valentine epithany especially.Best day is so sweet and i like the imagery in love is especially the lines “A silent promise from heart to soul”My wofe is a very nice and loving poem

  1. 1 Freedom From The Mundane » Hot Coffee and Love Poems Trackback on February 15, 2007 at 2:26 am

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