Archive for the 'Imbolc' Category


By Brenda Braene

Seeds struggling
against the sod.
Breaking through,
into seedlings
striving towards light
and life.
Hear the earth moan,
hear the seeds groan.
You can almost feel the pain
Of Nature’s birth,
the struggle towards
new life,
new cycle.

Brenda Braene is a frequent contributor to Circadian Poems. Her much neglected blog is Poet Meets Muse, and she shares a website with her sisters, The Three Braenes.


Poems for Imbolc

By Aileen Conchobarra

Seeds stirring
sigh and roll over
dreams of bursting
forth into

Emotions stirring
in one’s heart
sigh and tug
the blanket
dreams of

To Brigid
By Darcy Arliss

Great, bright, shining
Who blesses this day:
Give us what we crave
The love
The creativity
The healing.
Inspire us with
Your Fire.
Make our passions

Groundhog Day
By Brenda Braene

Poor little Phil!
All he wants
Is a long winter’s nap.
Yet on the second day
Of the second month,
He hears the fray,
The yelling, the commotion
Hands yank him out
Of his warm burrow.
Raise him to the cameras
And he pees down the
Handler’s leg in fear.

Darcy Arliss dedicates her life to the gifts of Brigid.

Brenda Braene is a frequent contributor to Circadian Poems. Her blog is Poet Meets Muse, and she is one third of the website, The Three Braenes.

Aileen Conchobarra is a garden designer learning to express her love for the work in poetry.

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